Thursday, September 24, 2009

My baby girl is growing up way too fast!

This post is an update on Kyann. She is growing up so fast!

She fell asleep with her baby doll and blanket on the laundry floor...this very rarely happens! I usually rock her to sleep which I love!

Here she is playing with her doll. She is really into dolls right now! She likes to feed them and carry them around. The other day I found her trying to feed the doll a smartie!:)

Another milestone is learning to feed herself!! She refuses any help and eats mainly with her hands!!:)

Eating a cookie after finishing off two soft eggs! They have to be soft, she won't eat them any other way!!:)

Kyann is now 16 months old.

She weighs 22 lbs. 6 oz. and is 33 1/4 inches.

Some of her recent accomplishments and interests:

She can climb up on just about anything...the kitchen table, the countertop, the coffee table.

She loves being outside!

She loves exploring and tearing everything out!:)

Some words she can say are: Dad, Mom, "Katy" (for Kaitlyn), Pup, "Bob" (for her cousin Bryant), "Bo" (our dog), "baby".

She dearly loves her new cousin Adison and sometimes gets a little rough with him although she would never mean to hurt him!!:)

When you ask her something she nods her head and says "yeah" it looks hilarous!!:)
All her food is UMM!!:)

The love of her life is still her Daddy and this Mommy hopes it stay that way for a long time!! She has figured out that when he comes in the house with his shoes off that it means he's staying home so she always looks at his feet when he comes in and if his shoes are off she starts giggling!
We took her bottle away and she has done very well in fact I think it was harder on me than it was on's just another sign that she's growing up!! She is still very attached to her"um" (that's what she calls her pacifier)! I STARTED THIS POST ABOUT 3 MONTHS AGO.... I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE NOT POSTED FOR SOOO LONG!!:( ANYWAY I DECIDED TO POST IT AND HOPEFULLY I WILL GET CAUGHT UP ON THE LAST 3 MONTHS IN THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS!!:) SO STAYED TUNED IN!!!:)

Kendrick's First Day of Kindergarten!!

Kendrick's first day of Kindergarten was Tues. Sept. 15Th. He has been waiting for this day for a long time! It's hard to imagine that I have two in School now! He goes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He has been very excited about going and so far has done great! There have been no tears and I am very thankful for that..we went through that with Kaitlyn and it is not fun! I'll have to admit that i was really worried about him going this year. His birthday is in March so we could have held him back till next year. We were thinking that that's what we were going to do but over the winter last year I saw a big improvement in him and thought he had grown up a lot and so we decided to go ahead and send him to Kindergarten round up. He does not like to sit down and color or write so he didn't know how to write his name. I thought I could teach him that over the Summer but every time we sat down it got worse instead of better!:( He just had NO interest. This is sooo different than how it was with Kaitlyn, she learned to write her name by the time she was four and I remember very well her sitting at the kitchen table asking me how to spell words! I guess that's just the difference with kids. He knows all his letters and does really well with numbers it's just that he DON'T want to write! Anyway I guess it was probably my pride more than anything but I thought he had to learn to write his name before he went to School, well that didn't happen. (I asked Calvin why we gave this poor child a name with 8 letters in it!:) Just Kidding!) Calvin told me not to worry about it and that he might actually do better for somelse than what he does for me. Well he turned out to be right. I couldn't believe the first day he came HE HAD WROTE HIS NAME!:) He comes bouncing out every day ready to show me what he has learned! So far they have learned the letters A and M and the numbers 0 and 1!They also memorize Bible verses and he has already said his verse for this week! I am very proud of him and I hope his kindergarten year goes great!
Here he is all ready to go on the first day!

At School.....before I left him that first morning I told him to have fun and listen to his teacher. All the other moms were still in the class room. He got a funny look on his face and said 'which one is she Mom?"Hilarious!!! Poor guy I don't know if he thought all of the Moms were gonna stay and be teachers or what!:)
Kendrick & his cousin Andre...these two are very excited about being in the same grade!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Antique Show, Turkey Trot, & Sleepover

Wow...has it been 2 weeks since I posted? It seems like the weeks just fly by! I guess I'll just try to start up where I left off...On Sept. 11th our School went to the Antique Show. Calvin, Kendrick & I went along to help out!

Kendrick "milking" a cow...he got the biggest kick out of this!:)

Playing on the playground after we ate lunch!

Kaitlyn and her group....after lunch we divided up into smaller groups b/c there were too many in our group...We didn't get with Kaityln's group and I just wanted her to come with our group. She wanted to go with her friends...she said "Mom I'll be just fine with them". Another sign she is growing up!

This was a display of all sorts of little cars, trucks, tractors, trains and anything you could image. The kids thought this was really neat especially Kendrick...he wanted to go back and look at it the second time!
Kendrick on a "big tractor"

The kids got bracelets at the Turkey Trot on Sat. night. They had a great time riding the rides. Kaitlyn & Kendrick's favorite thing was the inflatable bouncy thing! Icouldn't get a good picture of them on any of thebig rides....

Kyann really like the rides...I was surprised I didn't think she was big enough to like them...but every time we got her off of one she would get stiff...she wanted to stay on!:)

Kaitlyn & Kendrick being silly!!

Every since Kaitlyn had her sleepover, Kendrick has been begging to have one too! He invited his little Graber cousins. They all did really well and made it all night!

getting ready to "sleep"!

Eating breakfast...waffles and smoky links!!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

~ 1st Day of 3rd Grade ~

8.24.09 ~ Kaitlyn's first day of third grade! She really likes school now which is a blessing! She didn't like it the first 5 or 6 weeks of Kindergarten AND first grade.:( She cried every night before bed and every morning and when I dropped her off at school. It really tugged on this Mommy heartstrings to have to leave her at school when she was crying!:( Last year went really well and this year is starting out great..I hope it stays this way!:) This is her desk.

Their room is decorated with a jungle theme. It's very cute! This is one corner of it.

Getting ready to go to School!!

Another exciting event took place in the Graber Family on 8.24.09.....Adison Benjamin graced the world with his presence!!:) He weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 21 inches long! This is my little nephew. We are having lots of fun with this little sweetie!!:) He just lives across the road so we run over and squeeze him just about every day!!:)

Kyann at the hospital going through the McDonalds bag!

Proud Big Brother!!

Kristen & Adison

This is the little miss and yes she is in Adison's little crib...she wanted in it so of course her daddy put her in....shhh....don't tell the nurses....hopefully Sheena & Melanie won't see this He He!!:)(:

She has definintly outgrown it...I can't believe that 15 months ago SHE was the LITTLE baby in it...her first year has just flew by!!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


8.19.09 ~ Kyann burned both of hands on our grill!:( I was putting hamburgers on the grill and Kyann walked up behind me and before I even realized she was there she put both hands on the grill!:( Needless to say she SCREAMED for 2 1/2 hrs.!!:( I wasn't sure what to do so I called my MIL and she came to the rescue!!!:) Thank goodness for Grandmas! We kept her hands in ice cold water for about 10 min. at time for 2 hrs. She hated it to start with and fought took 3 of us to keep them in the water!:( About the last half hour she started to realize that the cold water was making it feel better so she would put her hands in herself...she feel asleep with her hands in the water...bless her little heart! She ended up with several blisters. The worst one was right beside her thumb and it busted the very next morning!:( That place got very sore and every time she bumped it it started bleeding. On Monday (8.24.09) I took her the Dr. b/c I didn't think it was looking very good. He said she had second and third degree burns in that area. We continued to keep it bandaged using B & W ointment (that is some good stuff!) for about a week. It looks really good now! When we ask her where her ouchy hand is she immediately shows us her right hand and when we say something is "hot" she pulls away! I'm so glad it's better now, I just hate to see my kiddos in pain!!:(

About a week after it happened...

The night it happened..all bandaged up before bed!

This is when she had the blister, you can't really see it, she didn't want to hold still!
