She fell asleep with her baby doll and blanket on the laundry floor...this very rarely happens! I usually rock her to sleep which I love!
Here she is playing with her doll. She is really into dolls right now! She likes to feed them and carry them around. The other day I found her trying to feed the doll a smartie!:)
Another milestone is learning to feed herself!! She refuses any help and eats mainly with her hands!!:)
Eating a cookie after finishing off two soft eggs! They have to be soft, she won't eat them any other way!!:)
Kyann is now 16 months old.
Kyann is now 16 months old.
She weighs 22 lbs. 6 oz. and is 33 1/4 inches.
Some of her recent accomplishments and interests:
She can climb up on just about anything...the kitchen table, the countertop, the coffee table.
She loves being outside!
She loves exploring and tearing everything out!:)
Some words she can say are: Dad, Mom, "Katy" (for Kaitlyn), Pup, "Bob" (for her cousin Bryant), "Bo" (our dog), "baby".
She dearly loves her new cousin Adison and sometimes gets a little rough with him although she would never mean to hurt him!!:)
When you ask her something she nods her head and says "yeah" it looks hilarous!!:)
All her food is UMM!!:)
All her food is UMM!!:)
The love of her life is still her Daddy and this Mommy hopes it stay that way for a long time!! She has figured out that when he comes in the house with his shoes off that it means he's staying home so she always looks at his feet when he comes in and if his shoes are off she starts giggling!
We took her bottle away and she has done very well in fact I think it was harder on me than it was on's just another sign that she's growing up!! She is still very attached to her"um" (that's what she calls her pacifier)! I STARTED THIS POST ABOUT 3 MONTHS AGO.... I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE NOT POSTED FOR SOOO LONG!!:( ANYWAY I DECIDED TO POST IT AND HOPEFULLY I WILL GET CAUGHT UP ON THE LAST 3 MONTHS IN THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS!!:) SO STAYED TUNED IN!!!:)
We took her bottle away and she has done very well in fact I think it was harder on me than it was on's just another sign that she's growing up!! She is still very attached to her"um" (that's what she calls her pacifier)! I STARTED THIS POST ABOUT 3 MONTHS AGO.... I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I HAVE NOT POSTED FOR SOOO LONG!!:( ANYWAY I DECIDED TO POST IT AND HOPEFULLY I WILL GET CAUGHT UP ON THE LAST 3 MONTHS IN THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS!!:) SO STAYED TUNED IN!!!:)