Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kendrick's First Day of Kindergarten!!

Kendrick's first day of Kindergarten was Tues. Sept. 15Th. He has been waiting for this day for a long time! It's hard to imagine that I have two in School now! He goes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He has been very excited about going and so far has done great! There have been no tears and I am very thankful for that..we went through that with Kaitlyn and it is not fun! I'll have to admit that i was really worried about him going this year. His birthday is in March so we could have held him back till next year. We were thinking that that's what we were going to do but over the winter last year I saw a big improvement in him and thought he had grown up a lot and so we decided to go ahead and send him to Kindergarten round up. He does not like to sit down and color or write so he didn't know how to write his name. I thought I could teach him that over the Summer but every time we sat down it got worse instead of better!:( He just had NO interest. This is sooo different than how it was with Kaitlyn, she learned to write her name by the time she was four and I remember very well her sitting at the kitchen table asking me how to spell words! I guess that's just the difference with kids. He knows all his letters and does really well with numbers it's just that he DON'T want to write! Anyway I guess it was probably my pride more than anything but I thought he had to learn to write his name before he went to School, well that didn't happen. (I asked Calvin why we gave this poor child a name with 8 letters in it!:) Just Kidding!) Calvin told me not to worry about it and that he might actually do better for somelse than what he does for me. Well he turned out to be right. I couldn't believe the first day he came HE HAD WROTE HIS NAME!:) He comes bouncing out every day ready to show me what he has learned! So far they have learned the letters A and M and the numbers 0 and 1!They also memorize Bible verses and he has already said his verse for this week! I am very proud of him and I hope his kindergarten year goes great!
Here he is all ready to go on the first day!

At School.....before I left him that first morning I told him to have fun and listen to his teacher. All the other moms were still in the class room. He got a funny look on his face and said 'which one is she Mom?"Hilarious!!! Poor guy I don't know if he thought all of the Moms were gonna stay and be teachers or what!:)
Kendrick & his cousin Andre...these two are very excited about being in the same grade!


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