Thursday, August 27, 2009


We finally got our new pool set up! We bought this pool in Aug. 2007 after our old pool had folded in on us in the spring of 07. We got our "old" pool in 2003...someone had told us that we could have it for free if came and took it down for them so that's what we did! It was probably close to 20 yrs. old then already..well it worked just fine for us until the spring of 2007. We drained all the water out of it b/c we had so much algae. When we started putting water back in it, the liner started tearing and then we saw that that the posts that hold up the walls were all rusty. So we decided it wasn't worth putting a liner in it. We bought the new pool in Aug. with the intentions of setting it up the next spring. Then we found out that we were pregnant with little missy Kyann and she was born in June 08. I didn't really want to put the pool then b/c i'm the one who takes care of it and I thought it would be too much with a newborn. So we decided to wait until Spring '09. Well its the end of June and we are finally getting it in!:) The wall is set!!

Starting with the liner...
Do they know what they're doing??:)
The little miss telling us how it is done!!

Working on the liner.

Having fun before the water is in it!!

All ready for WaTeR!

putting in the first load of water !!

It took 17 loads of water...we used a big water tank and pulled it with the tractor into Mont. fire station to get the took a loong time but was worth it!!:)

Kaitlyn & Kendrick could not wait to get in, so we let them after we had 2 loads of water in...the water was FREEZING cold....but of course they didn't so!!

Kyann likes to swim, but not for long, she would rather get out and play in the cozy coupe!:)

The pool completed!

Kaitlyn & Kendrick ~ Swimming!!

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