Friday, January 8, 2010

Daddy's Lil Helper!!

Kyann found this little white bucket while we were feeding the calves one evening and decided that she wanted to help. We put a little bit of feed in "her" bucket and she carried it to the calves! She didn't forget about it either because every evening after that she would get her little bucket and it had to have feed in it then she would carry it back to feed the calves!!
Helping Dad auger the feed out of the tank...
The Little Miss....

Kaitlyn & Kendrick...they like to get in the pen with the calves!!
Kyann & her Daddy!!
Getting more feed...
I love this one!!
Big Girl....she wouldn't let anyone help her!!

Feeding the calves...............

...just bein silly!!


  1. Those are some very cute pics! Love the daddy's little helper one. It's priceless:)

  2. I love "little miss" and her white bucket!! So precious! It reminds me of my Megan when she was that age when we still had all the calfies! She was all about helping too! You have a beautiful family and looks like they are all good helpers on the farm!
