Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas Celebrations

Well here I am again several months behind....but I want all my pics to be on here when I print my book so I'll start where I left off!

We celebrated Christmas at Grandma Graber's on Christmas Eve.....

Most of the kids watching a movie after we opened presents...

Grandma with baby Jayston, her first great grandchild!

Mark, Grandma, Jayston, & Ashley ~ 4 generations!

Adison with those big brown eyes!

Logan getting into the game....Lisa brought 3 gifts one for the men, one for the ladies, and one for the person tried to open and the next person in line had a dice and if they rolled a 6 or a 1 they grabbed the gift and tried to get it open...the person who got it open won the gift!:)

The boys helping Grandma open her gift....we got her a traegar grill

Austyn with his John Deere shirt....the 5 little boys got matching shirt
Kyann with her new dress...and candy bar!

Adison with his gift....

Logan being silly!!:)

On Christmas morning we opened our gifts at home then we went to the Miller dinner

Reading the christmas story before opening our gifts...

Kyann playing with the bus that came with her "little people" house...

Kaitlyn and Kendrick were VERY excited to get a Wii!!:)

On New Years day we celebrated Christmas at Mom and Dads.....
Kaitlyn with all the bows!!:)
Kyann checking out her new baby and stroller!!

My brother Keith and his sweet little family

Me and my handsome young man!!:)
Mom and Dad with their gift....a digital picture
Brothers ~ Damon & Dustin....
Dannielle & Lind
more bows....

Claire...she got JUST what she wanted.....a pet vet!!


I think she likes the baby!!:

Sisters ~ Linda, Janice, Me, & sisters are very special to me and I dont know what I would do without them!!:)

Jan & Chick

Claire & Emily

Eric, Kayla, Morgann, & Jordan....
Well, I think that wraps up to get caught up on the rest of my pictures!!:)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kaitlyn's 9th Birthday Parties!!

Kaitlyn celebrated her 9th Birthday on Dec. 17th!! I cannot believe that my oldest is nine years old already it seems just like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, a little black haired 6lbs. 4 oz. bundle of joy!! She is a very special little girl who is turning into a little lady faster than I want her too! She is also a very big help to me, watching her little sister and doing things around the house!! She loves School and softball and gives 100% of herself doing both!! She also loves to go shopping and she is a Daddy's girl!!:) Her Birthday is so close to Christmas and sometimes I feel like I don't spend very much planning it but we do try to make it special for her!!

To celebrate we had 3 different parties!! My pictures are once again backwards so I'll start with the family party.....we went to Mr. Gattis the evening of her Birthday...
Kaitlyn with her Tweety Cake that Grandma Kemp made!

Paul, Calvin, & Kyann

Gina, Adison, Karsyn, & Austyn..

Janice, Kaitlyn, & Claire Kendall & Ethan
Grandpa & Grandma Kemp
Lisa, Karsyn, Koen, & Joanna

Jason, Nate, & Grandma Graber
Ellen & Baby Jayston
Josh, Eric, & Jeremy
Logan & Kendrick
Koen & Ashley
Bryant & Kyann
The Birthday Girl....She had a Hannah Montana Ballon & Tablecloth!!
Kaitlyn has two classmates that have Birthdays really close to hers so we started in Kindergarten having a little party at School for them and it has kinda became a tradition!!:)
Kaitlyn's teacher, Mr. Graber...
The Boys...

Kaitlyn & Erin.....Erin's b-day is Dec 28th!!
The Girls....

Kaitlyn, Erin, & Josh....Josh's b-day is Dec. 19th!!
Kaitlyn with her gift from us!
Kaitlyn wanted to have a party with her friends. She wanted to go to Evansville to Gatti Town and go to the Mall shopping. So on Tues. before her birthday, I picked them all up at after School and we headed to evansille! Julie went along to help out and Kristen met us down there!
All the girls........

playing "Deal or no deal"....they had so much fun lpaying this game!!
.........getting ready to bowl
..............riding the bumper cars

Kristen & Kaitlyn

Are they cool or what!!:)

HaPpY nInTh BiRtHdAy KaItLyN!!! I love you VERY much!!