Monday, August 31, 2009


8.4.09 ~ The BIG corn day! We put away corn at Janice's house. The guys helped us get it in the night before. It was a whole truck load!! Jan, Dannielle, and I started about 6:00 am. Damon stayed with Claire & Kendall and Kristen came and stayed with my kids so that we didn't have to get them up that early! Linda & her boys came later on and helpedout. They didn't need corn this year but were kind enough to come help anyway!!:) Sonny & Ruth stopped in and Ruth stayed to help cut off. Claire, Kendall, Kaitlyn, & Kendrick came when they woke up. Kyann went home with Kristen for the day! Dustin stopped in to show us his new ride!:) After a bad thunder strom sent us into the house garage we finally finished up around 3:00 pm. We ended up with 96 Qts.!:) It's nice to have it in the freezer. I'm sure it will taste good this winter!:) My kids really enjoy this day every summer!:)Cooling the makes it cool faster if you get all wet!:) Cooking the corn.....
the corn waiting to be brushed...
brushing the corn....
Linda telling Kaitlyn how it's done!

More corn cooling...and getting wet!:)

Dustin's new car...Damon going for a test drive!

Jeremy taking corn it's ready to be cooled!

Cutting off the corn and getting ready to bag it!!:)


Friday, August 28, 2009


We went to Cincinnati the last weekend in July. Calvin likes to take in one Reds game a year. Last year we went as a family and everyone enjoyed it. This year we made a weekend vacation out of it!:)On the road....
The Driver!!

We went to the Reds game on friday night...

Kendrick stood right here most of the night!

Kaitlyn loved watching...she is very much into baseball/softball!!

The weather was very nice. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful evening!

The little missy got kind of tired of it. She had more fun carrying this bag around. Thankfully we sat on the end of our row and right across from us there were some empty seats!! it gave her a little space to run!!:)

Kyann ~ "CHEESIN"!!:)

Kendrick with a Reds hat that he got ice cream in..
The Reds hit 2 home runs back to back...right when Kaitlyn & I went to get ice cream...She was disappointed to miss them but the ice cream tasted very good!!:)

We asked a guy to take our picture...i think he included half of the people in our section...oh well...:)
They had fireworks right after the game...very neat!!

Kendrick & Kaitlyn wanted to pose with the statues on the way out!
On Saturday we went to THE CINCINNATI ZOO....

Kaitlyn & Kendrick had a fun time seeing all the different animals!

All of together...its so hard to get a good picture with everyone looking!

The elephants!The Rhino ~ Kendrick talked about seeing them days before we went!:)

Kendrick fighting the gorilla...boys will be boysTaking a break before the 4-D backyardigan show. The show was really neat...there was a thunderstorm and we saw lightening and got "rained" on...and also smelled the "stinky goo"!:)

Mr. Lion
Mr. Polar Bear

Too much zoo for Kyann. She did really good!

Eating supper at Shoneys after the Zoo before heading back to the motel to swim!

On Sunday we went to THE BEACH WATER PARK!

It was very cool when we got there only 70 and the sun wasn't shining...but that didn't stop the kids!:)
This is a really nice water park! It's not real big, which I liked. they have several wading pools perfect forKyann's size and then there are quite a few slides. one slide is like 100 ft. in the air. Kaitlyn wanted to go on it. We got almost up and I chickened out... i am not very fond of heights! There was one right beside that wasn't quite as high so we went down that one instead. i told Kait that she could go down the big one we would be waiting for her at the bottom but she didn't want to go by herself!:)
Taking a break from the action...

Silly girls!!:)

Going down the slide!!

We really enjoyed the entire weekend...the kiddos are making plans to go back next summer!:)